
Website architecture


We use Gatsby for static site generation because sites built with it are very fast.

This framework uses React and JavaScript/TypeScript.

Source Code

The website lives in docs/ directory of golangci-lint repository.


Initially the site is based on @rocketseat theme. Later we've merged it's code into src/@rocketseat because we needed too much changes and gatsby shadowing doesn't allow shadowing gatsby-node.js or gatsby-config.js.

Left menu is configured in src/config/sidebar.yml.


Articles are located in src/docs/ in *.mdx files. MDX is markdown allowing to use React components.


We use templates like {.SomeField} inside our mdx files. There templates are expanded by running make expand_website_templates in the root of the repository. It runs script scripts/expand_website_templates/main.go that rewrites mdx files with replaced templates.


We use CloudFlare for CDN, proxying and DNS management.


We use Netlify as static website hosting and CD. It's integrated into our pull requests: if docs/ directory has changes Netlify will trigger website rebuild and deploy it's preview for a branch. You can view it to ensure that everything ok.

Netlify deploys the website to production after merging anything to a master branch.

Local Testing


npm install
npm run start

And navigate to http://localhost:8000 after successfull Gatsby build. There is no need to restart Gatsby server almost for all changes: it supports hot reload. Also, there is no need to refresh a webpage: hot reload updates changed content on the open page.

Trigger Website Rebuild

Currently, Netlify triggers rebuild only if anything has changes in docs/ directory. But we can add a new linter and need to change a documentation to list the linter.

To do it run

go run ./scripts/expand_website_templates/main.go -only-state

It saves a hash of template replacements (that include all linters, configs, etc) into docs/template_data.state.

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